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Anti Union Playbook... The strategies your employer will use

When it comes to forming a Union employers are willing to do almost anything to prevent employees from organizing. It doesn't matter wh...

Anti Union Playbook... The strategies your employer will use

When it comes to forming a Union employers are willing to do almost anything to prevent employees from organizing. It doesn't matter what industry you are part of management will follow a script of anti-union tactics to try and persuade you to vote the union down.

"Having a Union will ruin our Family Work Environment"

Management will try to convince you that once you have a union there will be new rules and less flexibility.  You will no longer be able to speak with your managers like you do now. 

The Truth:

It is true, once unionized there will be new rules put in place. However these will be your rules that you voted for and not managements. When you negotiate your contract you can allow for as much flexibility in scheduling and working conditions as you like. 

"The Union Can Force you to Strike and you can't do anything about it"

Management might suggest that soon after you vote for union representation, you may be forced to strike whether you like it or not. They might try and scare you about how you’d survive on-strike, without your income.

The Truth:

Only Union members decide when they want to strike. In order to go on strike you and your colleagues must authorize the strike via a secret ballot vote. Strikes are a reality, they are the employees last line of defense when working conditions become intolerable and management refuses to address the issues. 

"You have to pay Dues"

Management will tell you how much you might pay in dues to the Union. They will suggest that the union only wants your money and are not interested in what's best for you. They might even give you a union dues calculator that utilizes formulas to create inflated dues estimates. 

The Truth:
Management is quick to show you estimated dues, but what they fail to include is what do you get in return. The monetary gains in pay and benefits far offset the cost of union dues. The union dues are used to defend the best interests of its members and offset the costs that are required to negotiate contracts. 

"If you go union you may end up with less than you already have"

Management will try and paint this beautiful picture of the benefits you already have in place without a union.  They will try and scare you by stating you may end up with less than you already have.

The Truth:
Your employer is required by the NLRB to negotiate in good faith. You are negotiating  for BETTER working conditions, pay, and benefits than what you already have. All contracts must be approved by Union members before they are put in place. Would you ever vote for a contract that gave you less?

Know the Truth !

1 comment:

  1. They actually have used everyone of these.
